BIIC-Financial Services

Our services to manage your daily investments.

We advise and support you for all your investments.

Any intermediation operation by commission, brokerage, or otherwise in investment, guarantee, underwriting operations of any securities listed on the regional stock market, individually or in the context of joint participation in these operations We also intervene under mandate management contracts.

See all our activities
Securities Brokerage and Investments
It is an activity that consists of buying and/or selling securities (stocks, bonds, etc.)
Account maintenance and custody of securities
It consists of the opening of securities accounts for customers and the monitoring of movements ...
Portfolio Management
The management activity consists of building portfolios of securities for our clients
Financial engineering
This is a multi-faceted activity such as issuance, IPO, advice and more.
Treasury Securities Specialist (SVT)
It is an activity whose exercise requires approval from the Treasury (s) ...

We are at your service
for any advice

The satisfaction and interest of our customers remain our watchword.
We therefore strive to carry out our mission. 

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By Mohamed CHEFFOU
07 July 2024

BULLETIN HEBDOMADAIRE BRVM & Marché des Titres Publics Semaine du 08 au 12 Juillet 2024

MOIS DE MAI : Eléments clés SEMAINE 28 Après un démarrage timide, la BRVM achève cette 28ième semaine de cotation avec un nouveau pic à 231,66 points; l’indice BRVM Composite
By Mohamed CHEFFOU
07 July 2024

BULLETIN HEBDOMADAIRE BRVM & Marché des Titres Publics Semaine du 24 au 28 Juin 2024

MOIS DE MAI : Eléments clés SEMAINE 26   Cette 26ième semaine de cotation est restée timorée, avec un indice BRVM Composite qui s’est contracté de (-0,15%) à 229,70 points